
Togolese Republic

Capital: LoméArea: 56.785 km2Population: 7.692.000Official Language: FrenchArmed Forces Personnel: 8.550Medical Officers: n/aMilitary Hospitals / Institutes: n/a/n/aMissions: n/a

Surgeon General
Wiyoou Kpao ADOM
Colonel MC

Armed Forces HQ
Central Directorate of the Army
Health Service
RN 1 Face BB Lomé
938 Lomé

The Health Service of the Togolese Armed Forces is a component of the logistical support that contributes to the support of health of FAT in all circumstances.

The creation of a Central Directorate of the Army Health Service in October 1995 has highlighted the importance of the concept of a health support system adapted to any modern army. The medical support forces is the primary mission of the army health service in time of peace as well as in time of war.

Humanitarian actions and emergency interventions are also the responsibility of these missions.



(status: 09 July 2020)