
Article: Sevan Gerard, Anna Onderková, Michael Meoli, Yaroslav Leshchenko, Madelyn Banks, C. Beato, Denys Surkov, John Quinn

Large Scale Combat Operations and far forward Damage Control Resuscitation: observations of Ukraine


The French Armed Forces Centre for Epidemiology and Public Health (CESPA) today and tomorrow

Jean-Marie Milleliri, Frank Peduzzi, Hélène Degui, Jean-Baptiste Meynard

Article: Author: Dr. med. Claus von Schroeder, Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Im Hagen 15, 29549 Bad Bevensen

Hyaluronic acid active substance combinations: The all-purpose weapons in local wound treatment

Article: Commander Colonel, Dental Corps, Dr. Sven M. Funke


“Together we are strong!”

Article: Karl E. Friedl (U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Natick, MA)

Military Operational Readiness in the Digital Generation

Article: Lieutenant Colonel (Pharmacy Corps) Ronnie Michel

Challenges for Medical Support in National and Collective Defence

Casualty Move 2020 (CAMO 20): A multinational wargame for training the medical support of a larger formation at the Multinational Medical Coordination Centre / European Medical Command

Interview: Interview with Brigadier General Dr. Kowitz, Director MMCC/EMC

„ ... stay focused on achieving full operational capabillity of MMCC/EMC”

Article: Dr. Dirk-Friedrich Klagges, Brigadier General (MD)

NATO´ s Medical Support in the Current Security Environment


Modern Urological Therapy of Calculi during Deployment

This article discusses stone therapy on deployment. The focus will be on the symptomatic and causal therapy of colic resulting from ureteric stones in order to facilitate the fastest possible restoration of the soldier's fitness for deployment.

Report: F. Hengstermann

Medical support of infantry operations

Experiences of a medical officer serving with the Task Force Kunduz in 2011


Recent Developments in Medical Evaluation

In the MCIF issue 1/2010 an article was published called “Multinational Approach in Medical support to NATO Operations”. In this article the author, Col Dr Fazekas, explains the need for multinational cooperation and the definition of standards for Multinational Medical Units to ensure minimum quality requirements. This need resulted in the development of the AMedP-27, the NATO Medical Evaluation Manual and the promulgation of its covering STANAG 2650 in 2010.


Development of a multinational Deployment Health Surveillance Capability (DHSC) for NATO

At the 2002 NATO Summit still under the impression of the terror attacks in the United States, decisive capability gaps were shown to exist within NATO. Among other issues, warnings were raised about the lack in capability for the near-real-time (NRT) detection of disease outbreaks and the determination of whether these outbreaks are to be attributed to the use of biological weaponry or to natural causes. Since 2003, under the lead of NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT), existing capabilities and systems of NATO partners have therefore been identified and examined as to their suitability for operational use in NATO deployments.


Preparation for active deployment and combat readiness from the perspective of dental medicine

A critical review

Article: R. van der Meer, MD (NL)

Developments in Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environments

The Article is based on a lecture, delivered during the 40th ICMM World Congress on Military Medicine, 7-12 Dec 2013, Jeddah, Saudi-Arabia.

Report: DUAN LianNing, LUO Yuan, LU ChengRong, XU XianRong, WANG JianChang

Analysis of Medical Evaluation of Hematological Diseases in 83 Air Force Aircrews

The aim of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of hematological diseases in 83 Air Force aircrews and investigate its relationship to their flying ability and medical evaluation. Our results suggest that most aircrew patients can return to flying position after treatment except malignant or progressive diseases. The medical evaluation should be made according to the nature and prognosis of disease,therapeutic efficacy, as well as the flying airplane type.

Article: J. Meyer, J. Koch, O. Krieter (Germany)

Military Medical Support in the Humanitarian Arena (MMSHA)

NATO-Accredited Training for Civilian Healthcare Providers and Military Medical Personnel

Article: Master Sergeant (OR-8, Paramedic) Tobias Uebel Squad Leader, Second Company Medical Training Regiment; LTC MC (OF-4, DD, GS) Dr. Rolf v. Uslar Commander Medical Training Regiment

Armoured casualty transport

The links of the land-based evacuation chain

Report: MCM Bricknell, LM Kelly

Tactical Aeromedical Evacuation

This paper discusses the principles of tactical aeromedical evacuation (TACEVAC) planning and execution with specific consideration of the command and control arrangements for TACEVAC. UK personnel may be familiar with TACEVAC procedures using UK national aircraft and aeromedical evacuation crews between national medical facilities. Recent operations, most particularly in Afghanistan, have illustrated the requirement to understand TACEVAC within a multi-national context as both our military hospitals have moved patients using other nations aircraft and medical escort crews, and UK aeromedical aircraft and crews have moved other nations’ patients.

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