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1. Purpose. The military-medicine.com Journal aims to be an international source of thought and debate on the topic of ‘military medical services in support of national security objectives’. The Journal publishes research papers, literature reviews, academic analyses and opinion pieces. This Journal complements more academic publications on bio-medical sciences as applied to military medicine.
2. Publication Policy. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least one reviewer and a member of the Editorial Board. Poorly argued or defamatory submissions will be rejected. Whilst not a formal academic journal, we commit to internationally agreed standards for publication ethics, scientific misconduct, consent, and peer review criteria. The opinion of the Editorial Board is final.
4. Submission Guidance. Authors should comply with the following guidance.
a. Format. The ‘Main Document’ should be submitted as a Word document (.doc or docx) or a RTF (.rtf) file, double spaced, in Times New Roman 12pt. Documents should have the following file label style: Author name Initial-Type of document-submissiondate.doc (e.g. SmithR-MainDoc-20210801.doc; SmithR-Fig1-20210801.jpg; SmithR-CoverLetter-20210801.doc). Supporting graphics should be inserted into the document (to show their location) and also submitted as a separate, individual files (which will be used for publication). Manuscripts should be written in English using standard English or American spelling. [we aspire to also publish in French, German and Spanish if we can recruit native speakers in these languages to the Editorial Board] .
b. Length/Word Count. Authors should aim for between 2000-5000 words for the whole submission – show the word count after the abstract. Longer articles may be accepted as two separate documents.
c. Structure. All submissions should comprise the following as a single ‘Main Document’:
(1) Title – not more than 15 words
(2) Abstract – not more than 250 words – show the total word count for the document and the word count for the abstract. Also provide up to 5 key words.
(3) Main text structure – minimum of: Introduction, key sections, Conclusions, References. Academic submissions should include sections for: Methodology, Results, Discussion.
(4) References – these should follow Vancover style, numbered consecutively using superscript or bracketed numbers in the main text. Electronic links to DOIs or URLs should be used in the reference wherever possible. Poorly referenced/cited papers will be rejected. The use of referencing software such as Endnote or Zoltero is recommended.
(5) Authors – list of authors: titles, first name, last name, post-nominal awards, affiliations, contact email. Biography for lead author.
(6) Supporting information – acknowledgements, declaration of competing interests (or explicit declaration ‘No author declares any competing interests’), sources of funding (where applicable).
(7) Separate files – all graphics/figures – as image files (jpg or png) with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Please label according to figure/image number. Tables should be submitted as Word or Excel files.
5. Authorship. The author list should include the full title, contact information and affiliation for all authors to the submission. The primary author should also submit a biography of not more than 50 words. By making a submission, all authors agree to review at least one paper for military-medicine.com. If more than 4 authors are lists, their role should be explained in the covering letter.
6. Submission. The submission should comprise:
a. Covering letter addressed to the Editorial Board, submitted by the Lead Author. It should summarise the article and the reason for selecting military-medicine.com as the publisher. It should suggest at least two reviewers, with their contact information. The author should also add the following text (or suitable alternative).
‘I confirm that I have the consent of all authors to submit this paper for publication by military-medicine.com’. I confirm that it represents our original work and that we have the permission of the copyright holder to submit any data or images that accompany this submission. (I attach copies of copyright approval if from third parties). The paper has not been submitted for publication or published elsewhere.’
b. The Main Document, supporting files and any other relevant information.
c. Submissions should be sent by email to: j.ehlen@cpm-verlag.de
7. Publication. Articles will be published on the military-medicine.com website as soon as approved by the Editorial Board. This will be accompanied by an announcement on social media.
8. Charges. There is no charge for submission or publication.
9. Copyright (1). Authors or their employers retain copyright of all articles submitted to military-medicine.com. Articles are published on behalf of authors by Beta-Verlag. Unchanged, published articles may be linked or stored in external repositories subject to acknowledgement of the primary source. Previously published material (presentations or abstracts) may be accepted on full disclosure and confirmation of the permission of the copyright holder to re-publish. Authors may withdraw their submission at any time.
10. Copyright (2). "For all material [e.g. texts, illustrations, photos or graphics] which you make available to us for publication, the publisher assumes and you expressly guarantee that such use for this purpose is permissible, that you are authorised and actually able to grant corresponding rights of use and that the use does not infringe any rights of third parties. In the event of a claim against the Publisher due to the infringement of third-party rights based on the agreed and intended use of the material provided, you shall be obliged to indemnify the Publisher in full against any claims by third parties, including all costs and damages".
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