Uzbekistan, Republic of

Surgeon General
Nizomiddin I. Hudaikulov MD
Bagishamal str. 223
100140 Tashkent
The Military Medical Faculty at Tashkent Medical Academy is the higher military educational institution on training officers of medical services, medical officers of the reserve, increasing qualification and retraining of Medical Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan. After graduating 5th course of medical faculty students can continue their education at this faculty. The duration of education is 2 years and increasing qualification is from one month to one year.
The second educational institution is the Tashkent Paediatric Medical Institute in Tashkent (TashPMI). The purpose of the military training at TashPMI for students at the military department is to prepare for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan officers of medical service margin military profession. Military Department is located on the campus of TashPMI, in an adapted two-story building (a former residential cottage). The Military Department is isolated, has its own territory, drill ground, warehouse, garage.
(status: 15 July 2020)