Mongolia, Republic of

Surgeon General
Ganchimeg Lhagvasuren MD
Armed Forces Supply and Services Division
General Staff HQ
Peace Ave-51, Bayanzurkh District
Basic Task of the Military Medical Service
- The primary task of the Military Medical Service is to provide comprehensive medical support to military personnel and their families, veterans.
- Military environmental and Food Hygiene Control.
- Epidemic Control and Protection from Infectious Diseases.
- Necessary medical support during training and operations for troops, who participates in Multinational Peace support mission.
To become a leading Military Healthcare Service provider by delivering a fit healthy and medically protected force, capable of delivering quality care everywhere in the Mongolian Healthcare system.

Military Hospitals
The Armed Forces Central Hospital
The Armed Forces Central Hospital located at Ulaanbaatar city, capital of Mongolia. It has a 350 beds capacity.
It provides a third level of medical care to:
- Mongolian Armed Forces members and their families, veterans
- Emergency surgical and trauma care to civilians of the eastern district of the Ulaanbaatar city
- Emergence anti-poison care to civilians of the Ulaanbaatar city.
Officers | 80 |
NCO | 5 |
Civilian staff | 383 |
Manpower | 468 |
Total | 936 |
Battalion and Unit Health Centres
Each infantry battalion and unit has its own hospitals. This facility provides primary health care services, preventive medical care and a 6-20-bedded ward. The medical staffs under command of a medical officer and the commanders.
Medical staff
Officers | 48 |
Civilian doctor | 18 |
Nursing staff (army ranked) | 44 |
Civilian nursing staff | 127 |
San-instructors | 18 |
Other (driver, technicians etc.) | 24 |
Armed Forces Training Centre’s medical cell is responsible for combat medic training. Physician, nurse, medical technicians are prepared by the National Medical University of Mongolia / civilian institutions.
Resident, Basic, Advanced, Qualification courses, master’s, doctoral training conducted in Postgraduate School of Medicine of the National Health Science University in Mongolia, in conjunction with agreement or contract between MOD and MOH.
Field Deployments
Total strength 68 personnel:
Medical staff | 35 |
Doctors- | 12 |
Nurses | 23 |
Support staff | 33 |
Security squad | 10 |
Technical personnel | 23 |
Level 2 Medical Facility provides all Level 1 capabilities
In addition, includes capabilities for:
- Emergency surgery,
- Damage control surgery,
- Postoperative services,
- High dependency care,
- Intensive care,
- Resuscitation,
- Inpatient Outpatient care,
- Dental,
- Patient movement, AME,
- Imaging,
- Laboratory,
- Pharmaceutical, Preventive medicine.
- Provides advanced specialist medical care to stabilize seriously injured personnel for transport to Level 3 medical facilities; as an AMET
- Blood and blood product transfusion according to the compatibility of blood groups and rhesus factors
- Provide an FST for collecting seriously injured personnel from the site of injury and escort patients in serious condition to a higher level care
- Treat up to 40 ambulatory patients per day
- Perform 3–4 major surgery under general anaesthesia
- Hospitalization 26 patients up to 7 days
- Perform diagnostic lab test / blood, immunology, urine / some other strip tests / HIV, MALARIA
- Ultrasound, X-ray service
- Incinerate medical waste
- Mortuary service
- Dental service

Area of responsibility
The hospital is expected to provide medical care for about 4200 members of TCC, Military Observers (MILOBs), Civilian Police (CIVPOL) and UN staff of UNAMID from 10 countries in Sector North and West.
Recent deployments include:
2003 – 2008: Iraq Freedom Operation
2005 – 2007: KFOR at Kosovo
2006 – 2011: Role 1 hospital, Chad, UN-MINURCAT
2006 – 2011: Role 1 hospital, Sierra-Leon, UN-UNAMSIL
2010 – ongoing: ISAF Afghanistan
2011 – ongoing: Role 1 hospital, South Sudan, UN-UNMISS
2010 – ongoing: Role 2 hospital, (Mongolian level 2 hospital) in Western Darfur, North Sudan, UN-UNAMID

(status: 09 July 2020)