Report: M. HARF (NATO)

HQ AIRCOM hosted the 2014-MMMSG for ISAF Regional Commands

The Multinational Medical Management Steering Group (MMMSG) for ISAF Regional Commands was conducted by HQ AIRCOM in Ramstein, Germany from 27 – 30 January 2014. The meeting was conducted on behalf of HQ JFCBS (Joint Force Command Brunssum, The Netherlands) in a collaborative effort in order to coordinate the medical support activities for ISAF.

All Troop Contributing Nations (TCN) with medical assets deployed or intended to deploy in ISAF had been invited to send their representatives. A total of 38 medical staff officers from 15 Nations from NATO, Partnership for Peace (PFP), Sweden and Australia attended the meeting. 


In his welcome speech the Medical Advisor (MEDAD) SHAPE, HUN Brigadier General Kopcso pointed out the importance of having a clear picture of the actual medical asset lay down to support and enable the ISAF mission. 

The lectures given during the meeting covered a broad spectrum of medical support related issues. The MEDAD HQ ISAF, DEU Brigadier General Dr. Mathiesen and members of IJC (ISAF Joint Command) gave an overview of the actual military medical situation in Afghanistan.  The Regional Commands provided more detailed lectures that gave all participants an updated picture of the medical asset lay down. The cooperation and coordination with the AFG MoPH (Ministry of Public Health) and GO’s and NGO’s was also on the agenda. 

The second part of the meeting was focused on a possible “Post ISAF mission” (RSMA, Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan) and intended to provide – as far as it was possible with pending political decisions – a foundation for further medical planning. The aim was to assure the provision of a high standard of medical care in likely scenarios. This included planning of ground ambulance service, coverage of Role I to Role III MTF’S (Medical Treatment Facilities), and Forward, Tactical and Strategic Aeromedical Evacuation to provide a continuum of care to all patients.

As part of the program, a site visit was provided on the US AE (Aeromedical Evacuation) System where local units displayed their extraordinary medical capabilities. The program started with a briefing about the AE System in general, followed by a visit to the US CASF (Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility), the TPMRC-E (Theater Patient Movement Request Center – Europe) and was continued with a static display and a demonstration of a typical AE Mission Training provided by medical personnel of the 86th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron. 

The ice breaker in the British Pub on base and the dinner in the “Ölmühle” in the beautiful town of Landstuhl offered not only excellent support but also the opportunity to discuss and network in comfortable surroundings.  

The MMMSG as the entire program – was highly appreciated by all the participants and was seen as an overall success. n

LtCol MC Dr Myriam Harf, GER AF


Tel: +49(0)6371-40-2441

[email protected]

Date: 03/24/2014

Source: MCIF 1/14