Uruguay, Oriental Republic of

Surgeon General
Brigadier General
Sanidad de las Fuerzas Armadas
Ministry of National Defence
Avenida 8 de Octubre, 2628de
Basic Task of the Military Medical Service
Our vision is defined by a strong Service Vocation which means our institution is constantly growing to satisfy the needs of our users, our vision being to strengthen its basic pillars which are: Care for its users, constant technological updating and improvement to its physical infrastructure.
The Armed Forces Health Service has as its mission that of supporting the Armed Forces, protecting or regaining the health of its members, a service which will extend to its members' family members.
• Maintaining the maximum human potential of the Armed Forces in good health by means of preventive measures and appropriate medical, surgical, dental, hospitalization and rehabilitation treatments.
• Suggesting policy and setting the standards and procedures for the use of the health resources of the Armed Forces in times of peace and of war, as well as carrying out orders issued in this respect by higher command.
• Providing out-patient and hospital treatment at the levels of primary prevention, by specialisms and specialised.
• Carrying out educational and research actions which improve the institutional and individual efficiency of the Armed Forces Health Services.
• Conducting investigation into health care problems within its remit on factors which have an influence on such problems, for the periodical assessment and amendment of Health Programmes.
• Cooperating in epidemiological investigations and studies conducted by the Ministry of Public Health which are of interest in acquiring knowledge of community health issues and determining solutions for them.
• Maintaining the specific character and integration of the Armed Forces Health Services within the National Health System.
• Technically supervising and controlling the Armed Forces Health Services.
• Maintaining the bio-statistical records of the Health Service and timely and adequate information with regard to hygiene and preventive problems.
• Ensuring appropriate psychological and physical selection of Military personnel, and conducting periodical medical examinations.
• Formulating and executing plans for the recruitment, mobilisation and training of Health Personnel, in support of operations.
• Recommending levels of equipment and supplies in the health organizations of the Armed Forces, as well as rehabilitation and maintenance.
• Obtaining, storing, conserving and supplying the equipment, medicines and health facilities needed for the Armed Forces, in accordance with the needs and levels set for the fulfilment of assigned Missions.
• Keeping updated records of users of the Armed Forces Health Services.
• Making proposals, to secure efficient administration, based on the opportune and trustworthy provision of information for the taking of decision at every organizational level.
• Being a reserve of health support to respond to situations of disaster or national emergency.

(status: 15 July 2020)