Mexico, United Mexican States

Surgeon General
Odontoped Miguel Angel NAMUR ZURITA
Rear Admiral MC
de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra No. 590, Col. Irrigación
Deleg. Miguel Hidalgo
C.P. 11500, México, D.F.
Basic Task of the Military Medical Service
To rely on an integrated health service of excellence. With national & international recognition, generating knowledge, technology & investigation, targeted on the diagnosis. Treatment & Rehabilitation of military staff and its holders.
Health General Directorate
- Coordinate medical, psychological and functional selection of candidates for the Army and Air Force.
- Propose – to the SecDef – the candidates to occupy the different positions of the Health Echelons established in the legislation in force, as well as respond to requests made by Directors and Chiefs to create and occupy positions.
- Supervise that echelons of this Support Service provide medical care with quality, kindness, and safety.
- Carry out supervision visits to the Health Echelons in company with Regional Chiefs of the Health Service.
- The program, coordinate and perform internal supervision and field evaluations required, through visits to execution bodies of the above Service.
- Plan, coordinate and evaluate the management and operations of this Service in accordance with the policies, objectives and priorities of this Secretariat, and under the terms of the applicable legislation.
- Promote activities of health education oriented to eliminate addictions, HIV/AIDS and sexual diseases of military personnel and their families.
- Establish environment recovery and public health policies to be observed at the different echelons of this Service.
- Plan, coordinate and supervise the participation of Health and Veterinary Services in the National Civil Protection System.
- Promote agreements with other schools, councils, colleges, medical associations and Health bodies, when it is convenient for this Service.
- Promote teaching and education activities oriented to increase the level of training of Health personnel.
- Foster scientific research within the Health Service that affects the health of the military and their families.
- Appoint and submit the names for approval of the SecDef of the representatives of the Health General Directorate to participate in assignments, congresses, councils, organizations, and national and international institutions where this Directorate participates.
- Participate in the General Health Council of the Health Secretariat as a member, under the authorization of the SecDef.
- Take part in health campaigns to combat and control epizootics. Analyse the organization and internal functioning of this Directorate and submit to the SecDef for consideration.
- Establish guidelines, norms and policies through which the Health General Directorate provides reports, statistical data and technical cooperation required by agencies of the Federal and State Public Administration, prior authorization of the SecDef.
- Submit for approval of the SecDef all those issues assigned to the Health Service; accomplish the assignments and specific functions assigned. Supervise the proper use of material resources of the Health Service at the different health echelons.
- Propose – to the SecDef – the requests for material, equipment and medications, as well as the issues pertaining to vehicles that allow providing high-quality medical care.
- Propose the acquisition, breeding, selection and exploitation of farm animal species.
- Detect and timely report the presence of illnesses that endanger the animal population.
- Take part in health inspection of animal products for food of troops and forage for animals.
Military Hospitals
17 Hospitales Militares de Zona
34 Hospitales Regional Militar
Central Military Hospital

The Central Military Hospital is a highly specialised tertiary medical care unit offering its services to military personnel and their dependents. It is under the direct control of the Secretariat of National Defence (SEDENA), through the General Health Directorate. It is the highest stage in the Health Service and has 48 medical specialities and 722 beds.
It receives patients from the Valle de México Health Service level and from all the Units, Branches and Facilities within the Republic which do not have any specialities.
- Training facilities for medical officers (military school of healthcare graduates, military medical school)
- Training facilities for assistants/nursing staff (military school of nurses. military school of healthcare officers and military school of healthcare classes)
Field Deployments
- Chain of treatment for injured soldiers. Role 1–4.
- Ministered team for role 1–4.
- Protected transport vehicles for the medical service (none).
- Air medical evacuation (none).
- Hospital vessels (none).
- Experiences in active deployment with medical services of other nations.
Civil-Military Cooperation
Integration of military medical service in the civil healthcare system.
(status: 23 December 2020)