Tag: Medical Services

Interview: Martin Bricknell

The NATO response to the COVID-19 pandemic - Interview with Major General Timothy Hodgetts

This is one of a series of interviews conducted by the Editor-in-Chief with key medical leaders within the NATO health system to record their experiences and insights from the COVID-19 crisis.

Article: L . Schneidereit, R .U. Hübner, Th. Gebhardt, M. Pietraß, Sh. Berger, M. Hofmann, A. Lehmann, C. Küsel

Digital Training Projects of the Bundeswehr Medical Service

An integrative learning concept

Article: Lieutenant Colonel (Pharmacy Corps) Ronnie Michel

Challenges for Medical Support in National and Collective Defence

Casualty Move 2020 (CAMO 20): A multinational wargame for training the medical support of a larger formation at the Multinational Medical Coordination Centre / European Medical Command

Article: B. Mattiesen (GERMANY)

End of a Period: The Last Flag Officer Medical Advisor in Kabul

From October 2013 until June 2014, Brigadier General Dr. Bernd Mattiesen, German Medical Service was the last Medical Advisor at HQ ISAF in Kabul in the rank of a flag officer. His tour of duty was impressed by the declining strength of the Force and a more civilian attitude of the task.

Report: Lt Col N T Tarmey RAMC, Maj C L Park RAMC, Lt Col M Fox RAMC, Lt Col T Lowes RAMC, Surg Cdr A Mellor Royal Navy, Col P F Mahoney L/RAMC

Anaesthesia for Overseas Operations: UK Military Guidelines