Chile, Republic of

Surgeon General
Brigadier General
Av. Libertador Bernardo O”Higgins N°
1449, Edificio C, Piso 9
Basic Task of the Military Medical Service
The Army Health Department’s mission is to plan, control and apply the current planning process in order to carry out the essential tasks regarding the health system within the army as well as to provide technical assessment to different organizations and other army units, with regards to the fulfilments of health procedures that have been foreseen while applying the current legal guidelines, as well as to propose different policies that will contribute to the proper performance of the Army Health System, during the time of peace, crisis and of war.
The Army’s Health Department’s vision is recognized as a national referent regarding the direction of different health activities, by providing a High-Quality service that is modern and proactive, it’s purpose is to promote an optimal and healthy lifestyle within its beneficiaries by distinguishing itself thanks to its collaboration and interaction with the other health services that can be found within the country. The mission of the Chilean Army Medical Command is to provide integral, opportune and high-quality health service to the Army, its beneficiaries and users in general by proving efficient management in a safe environment, along with a sustainable health system that has been subjected to comply with the current regulations.
The vision of the Chilean Army Medical Command is to reach a high standard level of health care to provide to its users, by counting with a modern organization that is sustainable and adaptable towards change, based on a linkage system that sustains optimal security and offers high-quality standards. Dependent on the Chilean Army Medical Command is the Military Health Command. Its mission is to manage the military health subsystem, in order to propose the appropriate solution by fulfilling the needs of the ground forces as well as other state requirements, by providing protection and health care, through its defined health facilities and by contributing to the maintenance, recuperation and increase of its combat efficiency and to provide support to the civilian population whenever it may be needed.
The Chilean Army Health System has been based and structured by two stratums: The Army Health Department which is a directive organization, and the Chilean Army Medical Command which is an executive organization that is in charge of the army’s health and welfare system, both are dependent of The Human Resources Command.
Army Health Direction Department (DSE)
Comando de Salud de Ejército (COSALE)
The Army Health Service / Medical Regional Facilities
The Army Health Service is composed of a staff of Medical Officers, Dentists, and Veterinarians, who are capable of delivering effective and quality health care to the human and animal population, as well as fulfilling the environmental Health Institutional requirements, thanks to the support of combat and veterinary nurses that composed a qualified staff who specialize in diverse areas.
The current health facilities have been distributed all over the national territory. They are currently able to satisfy and face different health issues that can arise within different complexity levels and of diverse magnitude.
Military Hospitals
The Army has two hospitals that provide care at the third level of complexity (hospitalization in rural locations, general medicine, and obstetrics, laboratory and radiology facility, periodic odontology visits).
Hospital Militar de Santiago
A health facility that is located in the city of La Reina in Santiago, Chile. It is the main Health Care Facility belonging to the Chilean Army which characterizes itself for having a modernized technology that is necessary in order to provide the best, warmest, high quality third level complexity medical care (hospitalization in rural locations, general medicine, and obstetrics, laboratory and radiology facility, periodic odontology visits). It has the following specialties: Acupuncture, Surgery, Plastic surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery, Colon Rectal Surgery, Dermatology, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Endocrinology, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Gastroenterology and Obstetrics, Medical Imaging, Epidemiology, Kinesiology and Rehabilitation, Internal Medicine, Nuclear Medicine, Diabetes and Nutrition, Nephrology, Neurology, Neonatology, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Oncology, Otolaryngology, Paediatrics, Rheumatology, Psychiatry, Occupational Therapy,
Pain Management, Urology amongst others.
- 305 Hospital Beds
- 12 Neonatology Beds
- 23 Beds in the Intensive Care Unit (UCI)
- 17 Beds in the Intermediate Care Unit (UTI)
- 54 Procedure Salons
- 119 Physician Boxes
- 2 Small Surgery Rooms
- 10 Operating Rooms
- 2 Gynaecologist Obstetric Ward
- 1 Heliport
- Amphitheatre for 400 people
- Auditorium for 179 people
- 4 Classrooms
Hospitalization Building
The hospital is equipped with a total of 305 beds. All of the rooms possess a large amount of windows that face the mountain range; this is so to take advantage of the sunlight and its health properties.
Main Building or Main Ward
This is where the surgery, Critical Patient, Laboratory, Clinical Imaging as well as other service wards are located. In order to protect the safety of the patients and of the equipment, this building possesses seismic isolation structures which (thanks to these) enables the hospital to keep on operating without any inconvenience in case of an earthquake.
Academic Facilities
It’s made up of classrooms, an auditorium and offices where academic and investigation support is granted in order to facilitate the current research that is being carried out at the hospital (Hospital Militar de Santiago).
- Emergency Services
- Critical Patient Unit (UPC)
- Paediatric Intermediate Care Unit (UCI)
- Paediatric Emergency
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Vaccination Centre
- Blood Bank
- Clinical Laboratory
- Imaging Diagnostics

Hospital Militar del Norte
Located in the city of Antofagasta in Chile – It’s a third level complex facility (hospitalization in rural locations, general medicine, and obstetrics, laboratory and radiology facility, periodic odontology visits); it offers the following diverse specialties: Internal Medicine, Nephrology, General Medicine, Endocrinology, Cardiology, Urology, Otolaryngology, Traumatology, Rheumatology, Gynaecologist and Obstetric, Surgery, Paediatric, amongst others. This hospital provides the following medical services: Surgical Physicians, Traumatology, Paediatricians, Obstetricians and Gynaecology. It also has an Emergency Centre, Medical Centre and Dental Specialty.
Military Clinical Centre Network
It’s a health network, which is able to offer level 2º complex (general medical attention, laboratory medical imaging) medical and dental care to the regions of Arica, Iquique, Concepción, Valdivia, Coyhaique and Punta Arenas.
Military Clinical Centre Network
It’s a health network, which is able to offer level 1º complex care (ambulatory, programmed visits by a general physician and dental attention). The health centre that is part of a network located in Santiago, Quillota, Chillán, Los Angeles and Osorno.
Nursing System Network
These health facilities are located within different operative units. They provide level 1 complex care (ambulatory, programmed visits by a general physician and dental attention).
The Chilean Army Health Department periodically provides training courses for it’s staff members, amongst the courses that they provide are the following: the CITREC course (Combat Trauma and Stress Itinerant Course), C4 (Combat Casualty Care Course), Institutional Health Authority Course, Course TC3 (Tactical Combat Casualty Care), PHTLS (Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support) and “X ray Dental Image Capture Training Course”.
Field Deployments / Missions
From the beginning of the decade (year 2000), the Chilean Army has currently cooperated and provided assisted in peace keeping operation assignments which involve providing humanitarian aid as well as the reestablishment of peace, under UN (United Nations) Command in countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cyprus, Bosnia and Haiti.
The Army Health system has supported these deployments by providing medical officers (Congo, Haiti) or Combat Nurses (Cyprus, Bosnia).

Civil-Military Cooperation
Within the institutional and social responsibility framework that the Army possesses with the Chilean Society, the Army Health Department has complied and will continue to fulfil its distinguished role by deploying the modular field hospital with Dental Medical Operatives that have been periodically carried out in different locations of the Country such as:
Osorno, Iquique, Copiapó and Coquimbo amongst other cities. Also the Army Health Department provides an important amount of assistance to our civilian population in different emergency situations due to National Disasters such as earthquakes, floods, as well as other situations that have these types of characteristics.
Surgeon General
Rear Admiral MC
Direction of Health
Avenida Jorge Montt 11.700
Las Salinas-Vina del Mare
Military Hospitals
- Vina del Mar ("Almirante Nef")
- Talcahuano ("Almirante Adriazola")
- Punta Arenas
- Puerto Williams
Surgeon General
Guillermo Quiroz MD
Brigadier General MC
Division of Health
El Bosque FACH Base
Av. José Miguel Carrera N°10.525
Our vision is to provide the Chilean Air Force with an excellent, modern, continuous and permanent Health Service, that is sustainable over time and capable of operating in an efficient, appropriate, and complementary manner, in coordination with Chile's other support systems in times of peace and crisis or conflict, with the objective of meeting the needs of the Force and of its beneficiaries in the different areas of health, or other actions as ordered by High Command.
The Health Division is the dependent body of Personnel Command which controls the operation of the Chilean Air Force Health System, with the aim of ensuring that health care meets the Force's requirements, the needs of personnel, the families of personnel and others benefiting.

(status: 08 April 2022)