Israel, State of

Surgeon General
Prof. Elon Glassberg
Brigadier General
Medical Corps HQ
Military Postbox 02149
Tel Aviv
Basic Task of the Medical Service
To provide optimal medical care in wartime and routine time; to prevent disease and promote health, and to advance military medicine.
Core Values
- Saving Lives
- Human Dignity
- The privilege to serve
- Commitment to care
- Excellence
Strategic Themes
• Implementing the Medical Corps values.
• Strengthen operational medicine to meet the goal - target of eliminating preventable death.
• Developing the medical staff according to the next decade challenges.
• Nurturing academic culture in the IDF Medical Corps as a way to promote knowledge and skillfulness in military medical practice.
• Promoting health and advanced medical treatment in the IDF.
The IDF Medical Corps is part of the Ground forces and the Technology & Logistics Branch.
The Israeli Surgeon General duties are:
• Commander IDF Medical Corps
• Surgeon General of all services- including Airforce, Navy and Ground forces.
• Member of the Ground Forces and the Technology & Logistics Branch General Staff
• MOD Chief Medical Advisor
• Member of the Supreme National Medical Authority, MOH

Territorial Commands and Arms:

Medical Care in the IDF
• IDF medical corps as the sole authority for soldier's healthcare and medical care with military and civilian facilities.
• Military Healthcare: Active front & Home front, training units and Emergency medical care based on Primary clinics and Secondary care clinics, Rehabilitation array.
• Dentistry array- Active front, training schools, Regional clinics, Central clinics, Mobile dentist van in the field, Dentist central clinic with 5 specializations.
• Mental Health array – Active front, a mental health officer in each brigade, training schools, Regional clinics, Central clinics, Career army personnel clinic and Mental Resilience Center.
• Civilian Healthcare for Military and Civilian: Civilian hospitals and Clinics. Provision of selected home front medical care by civilian HMO's.
The Medical Corps promotes academic culture through excellence, research and academic development of the medical personnel in order to improve the medical treatment and promote the health of the soldiers.
The IDF MC directs the research by a scientific committee of the research directorate with the leading professionals and holds the Institutional review board and ethics committee.
The medical research is integrated in Israel MOD Director of Defense R&D and the research program is based on peer-reviewed proposals by research centres (e. g. combat medicine, stress research, Diving Medicine and Aviation Medicine) with medical field officers and academic collaboration.
Military medical academic environment is leading to professionalism and academic development. Medical military excellence is based on continuing development from military school of medicine, incorporated in the Hebrew University, through medical education and personnel development in the army.
Military Medical Academy and Training Centre
To train, certify and promote medical and paramedical personnel to the entire Israel Defence Force.
Implement an innovative and effective medical education built on the foundations of cooperation and excellence with academic relation, contributing to the national health system.
Courses / CMEs'
• Medics: special ops units combat and clinic medics, senior medics, clinic organization & management.
• Paramedics
• Medical Officers
• Paramedical professions
• Trauma: ATLS, MTLS, PHTLS, TRCS, trauma lessons CME.
• Instructor certification courses
• Internationals Courses: 4 International courses open to all medical corps around the world- The International medical course, Mental health course, CBRN course and International Navel Medicine course.
Field Deployments
Humanitarian missions
Since 1953 IDF MC has deployed to humanitarian missions around the world.

The WHO Verification process in 2016 gave the IDF MC Field hospital accreditation as a type 3, 2, 1 and specialist.

(status: 02 December 2020)