Report on the 2nd Course on Water Management and Safety
The 2ndCourse on Water Management and Safety was held during the period from February 29 to March 04, 2016 at the Military Health Services’ School (EASSA) in Tunis. It is a francophone course recommended by the International Committee of Military Medicine (ICMM) and organized by the General Directorate of Military Health of Tunisia (DGS) with partnership of the Central Directorate of Health Services for the Armed Forces (DCSSA) of France. It was presented in French with simultaneous translation to English.
This second international session was provided for 20 participants from 14 countries (Algeria, Germany, Côte d'Ivoire, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Mali, Guinea, Mexico, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Portugal, Chad, and Turkey) and 6 Tunisians.
The teaching program lasted one week. The Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee developed a diverse program that alternated conferences, tutorial sessions and technical on site visits (Naval Bases, Military engineering units). This course provided an opportunity for participants to learn about practical case studies as well as the use of documentary, regulatory and normative tools in the field of water management in an exceptional situation. It also permitted to inquire about the practical water treatment conditions via military operational means as well as production and processing conditions of water on navy vessels. In this same context, two renowned laboratories in the field of water provided access to our participants to see new military water production and control devices during military operations.

At the end of the course, assessment forms were provided to attendees; the results will be used by a commission in order to improve the future sessions of the course.
The organizing committee thanks all the scientists and support partners, the units of military engineering and the naval units of the Tunisian navy as well as our partners and sponsors (LOVIBOND Laboratories and KARCHER FUTURETECH Group) who have helped to evolve this event to a consolidated training opportunity in the field of water.The committee thanks also the participants for their attendance, inputs and motivation and for the exchange of views that they brought along to this session.
Based on the success of this course, we rely on the active participation of candidates from different countries in the 3rd session, which will take place in Tunisia from February 27th to March 4th, 2017.
Date: 06/02/2016
Source: MCIF 2/16