Tag: pandemic

Interview: Martin Bricknell

The NATO response to the COVID-19 pandemic – Interview with Brigadier General Dr. Dirk-Friedrich Klagges

This is one of a series of interviews conducted by the Editor-in-Chief with key medical leaders within the NATO health system to record their experiences and insights from the COVID-19 crisis.

Article: Lt Gen (Rtd) Professor Martin CM Bricknell CB OStJ PhD DM MBA MA MedSci Professor of Conflict, Health and Military Medicine Conflict and Health Research Group

Analysing Civil-Military Command and Control in the Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Article: LTC Dr. Maren Kosak

Resilient Response 2020

A web-based wargame with a focus on pandemic response and hybrid threats

Article: Brigadier General Dr. Stefan Kowitz, MC

"The 7th domain of warfare"

First observations of the COVID-19 pandemic