Report: Dr. Andreas Otto, LCDR(MC), Military Hospital Westerstede, Dep. Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
From the 30th contingent DEU-ISAF MTF Role 2 Kunduz (Chief of company LtCol(MC) Houda) of the DEU-ISAF MTF (Commander Col(MC) Dr. Höpner)
Air MedEvac , MedEvac , Training Report: Capt (N) Dr. Andreas Dierich, MC (DEU)
The NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine Military Medicine , NATO Article: J. LOWE, R. J. McCORMICK (UK)
From the Public Health Department, United Kingdom Defence Dental Services Armed Forces , Dental Report: P. Geschwill, F. Josse
Article: Alexander Popov, Igor Yakirevich
From the department of anaesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care of the field hospital of Central Airmobile Rescue Team of EMERCOM of Russia Article: A. FRANKE, E. KOLLIG (GERMANY)
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Clinical demand from the perspective of a field surgeon and a field anaesthetist *
*The content of this article is a personal summary of the contributions presented at a GER Armed Forces Medical Conference - “Damp 2012” Injuries Report: J. M. MULVEY*, A. A. QADRI†, M. A. MAQSOOD†
The October 8, 2005 earthquake in Northern Pakistan had widespread destructive effects throughout the northern subcontinent. Earthquake , ketamine anaesthesia , traumatology Article: M. Reksoprodio, H. Mulijadi, I. Trihapsoro, W. Mulyawan
Experiences of the Indonesian Armed Forces /TNI Air MedEvac , Refugees Article: Lee H. Harvis
How The Second Deadliest Earthquake in History Can Teach us to be Better Prepared for Future Large Scale Natural Disasters Earthquake , Wounds Article: Dr. med. Ernst-Jürgen Finke
Methods for Prevention and Control. NATO Science for Peace and Security. Series A: Chemistry and Biology Article: PROF ALEXANDER GREBENYUK, MD, PhD, COL (ret.)
Research and Production Center “Special and Medical Equipment”, St. Petersburg, Russia CBRN , MedEvac , Training Report: Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, India November 19-24, 2017
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