The second Disaster and Military Medical technology conference (DiMiMed) took place on the 12th and 13th of November in Düsseldorf as part of MEDICA, the world’s largest trade fair for medical technology.
These guidelines describe a systematic approach to military pain management from the point of wounding to the Role 3 Field Hospital. They incorporate the lessons learned over the last twelve years of conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan and may also serve as a useful guide for other medical personnel working in austere and challenging circumstances.
Maxillo-facial injuries result from accidents, violence, firearms or falls from heights. They can occur isolated or in combination with other serious injuries. The frequency of facial injuries is high, because the face is exposed and has little protective elements. Their treatment requires special care which consists in life saving, maintaining or restoring dental function and appearance. This article presents the management and treatment of macillo-fasical injuries in the Central University Military Hospital of the Albanian Armed Forces.